Shiva Rea Retreat: Day 1 Activities

I just returned from a week yoga retreat at Kripalu with Shiva Rea. Here is my reflection from my first morning.

The first night of the retreat I had such a hard time sleeping. I woke up constantly throughout the night. I felt like I was 14 again at sleep away soccer camp.

There was so much excitement from the first night session that my mind was wide awake in anticipation of what the week had in store for me. It was a combination of both nervousness and excitement.

I kept asking myself—Would I fit in with the others in the group? I’m I experienced enough to hang with all these amazing yogis, yoginis and yoga teachers?

However, once my alarm went off at 5:30 a.m. I was wide awake and pumped up for the day ahead. Here is an outline of what the first day had in store for me and how I spent most of my days during the retreat.

Day 1: morning run, mediation, yoga practice, drumming & dancing and lecture paired with amazing food provided by Kripalu!

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