
Acceptance is a tough concept to practice. For if we accept something, are we choosing to be lazy or to not make things better? I’ve been struggling with this concept since pregnancy and now post-baby.

I’m living in a completely different body than I was a year ago. My body is healing. I’m not getting the sleep I once did. I’m carrying around some pregnancy pounds. And I’m feeding another human. I’m itching to be where I used to be in my yoga and my running practice. I’m craving those endorphins and feeling confident in my own skin. But my body is not ready yet. I need to accept it.

But when I should accept and when I should push? How am I suppose to get stronger if I don’t try? It’s a constant ongoing conversation with myself.

A few days ago, I completed the Fox Foundation’s 5K FoxTrot. I went in with no expectations. I accepted where I was and how my body was feeling. I ran the first mile and then ran/walked the rest of the race. I walked as soon as I could feel my form slipping (core weakness huge factor) and ran when I felt strong again. I listened to how I felt in that moment and accepted it. Was it challenging? Yes, incredibly challenging! Every time someone passed me when I was walking, I wanted to say “I had a baby 9 weeks ago and I need to take it easy”. It’s amazing how our ego plays into everything. And this wasn’t the Boston Marathon. This was a casual race for charity! But again, it’s hard to not compare to our past selves or our expectations.

I have to accept this new body I’ve been given. Instead of looking at what I can’t do. What can I do? I ran/walked a 5K nine weeks after having a baby. That’s pretty amazing! I’m also learning. I’m learning to listen and to take care of myself in a whole different way. If I don’t take care of me, how I’m I suppose to give in other areas of my life?

Acceptance is hard but it can be our teacher if we allow it to be. What can acceptance teach you?


Categories: Living Yoga